Friday, April 13, 2012

Chunin Exams: Round 2 Part 4

The examiner coughed a heavy cough. “Now then, does anyone else wanna quit?” he asked looking around. Evan looked at his two other team mates. Evan raised his hand.

            “What’s your name?” the examiner asked. Evan looked confused. “Um, I’m not quitting I just wanna ask a question.” Evan defended. “Question time is over, Evan.” Constance sighed. Evan glared at her.

            “Uh, whatever. If we quit, does that lessen our chanced of getting lung cancer, or whatever from you?” Evan asked his hand lazily rose in the air. Constance slapped her forehead and Evan turned to Constance. “Um what he has isn’t contagious.” Constance smiled.

            “Oh…” Evan lazily yawned. “Okay, carry on.” Evan ordered waving his hand.

            Sakura gasped. ‘I can’t let this go on, I have to tell them.’ Sakura thought looking to the ground. “Y’know what Sakura, I just read your mind, what is it that you want to tell them?” Avril asked staring Sakura down expectantly. Sakura had a shocked look on her face and she looked up to Avril. “N-n-nothing…” Sakura stuttered. Avril just shrugged.

            Charlie gasped for air like he was ready to scream “Uchiha—“ Charlie was cut off by a series of four hands covering his mouth, trying to prevent him from telling everyone about Sasuke's mark. “So, not attractive.” Jimmy mumbled giving Charlie an annoyed side stare, Jimmy still had his hands covering Charlie’s mouth. Matt just shook his head and sighed. “’Member what Av, said?” Matt asked still covering Charlie’s mouth.

            Charlie thought back about what Avril said, she said a lot of insults and then not to reveal the future to these people. Charlie nodded quickly. Matt and Jimmy removed their hands from Charlie’s mouth and went back to their regular stance.

            As this scene was going on Matt caught a little bit of the conversation going on right next to him. “I don’t get what you’re trying to prove,” cried Sakura, Sasuke was clutching her wrist and holding his neck with the other. “Am I supposed to just watch you tear yourself apart?” Sakura asked on the verge of more tears. Matt clutched Jimmy’s shoulder and pretended to cry into it, mocking Sakura, Jimmy petted Matt’s head in fake sympathy.

            “I can’t bear to watch it.” Sakura’s voice cracked. Charlie was holding back a laugh at the drama of Sakura. “Then don’t watch but stay out of it.” Sasuke hissed still clutching Sakura’s wrist Sakura gasped. “This has nothing to do with you.” Sasuke said through clenched teeth Sakura took a small step back at Sasuke’s harshness.

            Sasuke dropped Sakura’s wrist. “I told you before,” Sasuke turned away from her and paused. “what I am is an avenger. For me this is something far more than just an exam. Whether I become a Chunin or not means less than nothing to me.” Sasuke finished.

            “Ouch burn!” Jimmy and Matt said together Matt had his arm over Jimmy’s shoulder like good friends do. “I’m an avenger!” Charlie mocked putting an arm around Jimmy’s shoulder putting Jimmy in the middle. All three of them laughed.

            “This isn’t your business!” Avril mocked in a voice that sounded like she was insulting Sasuke’s intelligence. All four of them laughed. “Then what business is it Uchiha?” Constance asked putting her arm around Avril. “The business of male prostitutes!” Evan finished mocking Uchiha putting his arm around Constance. All six of them laughed and dropped their arms and walked away laughing and cackling.

            Sasuke obviously ignored the six peanut galleries and finished his speech. “…and the best of the best are all here…” Sasuke said through clenched teeth. “Heck yeah we’re the best!” Constance yelled. Gaara and Kankuro were getting annoyed now, Kankuro was amazed that he had sex with Constance... But that's a story for another time.

            “This is the path I walk. Not you, or anyone can change that.” Sasuke said in almost a harsh whisper. “We can change it if a fatal accident happens and you get crushed and die.” Avril said in a sing-song voice spinning a knife on her finger.

            “Oh…Sasuke…” Sakura whispered her eyes looking like she was about to cry.

            Matt zoned out and so did the rest of them, they didn’t hear a word that Naruto said because, well, of what importance was what Naruto said to them? Their main target was to mock Uchiha and not Naruto because they all felt for him in a special only teasing not taunting way. Which is very, very rare with these six.

            “Alright then, we will now begin the preliminary round.” The jonin whispered. “What?” Matt yelled from the back. “Annunciate!” Charlie demanded slouched forward with his hands out away from him like he was clutching someone’s head and squeezing tightly.

            “This round will consist of one on one individual combat, full battle intensity. This is not an exercise there are twenty-six of you remaining. So that means we’ll need thirteen matches. The surviving candidates from these thirteen matches will advance to the third exam. As for the rules there are none. You will fight until one dies of concedes defeat or is rendered physically incapable to continue in the contest. Naturally those who are losing are encourage to admit defeat to avoid a fatal outcome.

            “Further more, as proctor I am given a certain amount of leeway in judging the matches. I might occasionally intervene if a match seems hopeless to save as many lives as possible. Now it’s time to reveal what fate has been chosen for you.” The proctor finished. “That’s a lot of freakin’ rules.” Constance said to herself chewing gum.

            A panel opened and a TV appeared. “The names of each pair of opponents are chosen completely at random…” the jonin finished the rules and Sasuke Uchiha and Yoroi Akado appeared on the screen. Avril and her friends raced up the stairs apparently Evan had “accidentally” tripped her. “Imma going to fucking kill you!” Avril yelled chasing after Evan. “I’m faster good luck!” Evan taunted turning around and waiting for Avril to catch up before taking off again.

            Tai Sensei sighed again, his team was embarrassing. Constance tripped Evan for Avril and Avril attacked him and they were rolling on the floor wrestling. Tai Sensei poofed in front of the wrestling match and grabbed Avril’s arm pulling her off of Evan.

            “Avril, Evan, separate.” Tai Sensei pointed at each of them. Avril stuck her tongue out and Evan rolled his eyes. “Stupid sensei…” Avril mumbled stomping away. “I heard that.” Tai Sensei informed her. Avril rolled her eyes and stood by Matt and Jimmy. Evan rolled his eyes too and stomped over to stand by his best friend, Charlie and his other friend Constance.

            Avril leaned lazily over the railing Masayoshi Sensei came up behind her. “You might want to apologize to your team mate.” Masayoshi Sensei advised. Avril nodded and looked away from Masayoshi Sensei.

            Tai Sensei came up from behind Evan. “Please, go apologize to Avril.” Tai Sensei begged. “Why?” Evan questioned through clenched teeth. “Because I want to keep this team together no matter how rowdy you kids are.” Tai Sensei answered turning and walking away from Evan.

Evan sighed and turned around he almost screamed when he saw Avril behind him. Avril looked down to the ground and mumbled “Sorry.” Evan sighed and said sorry too. So Avril looked up from the ground and stood by Evan and they started cutting people down.

‘Geez, these guys have to be treated like five year olds. It’ll be a treat to see how the one with red hair does in her battle’ Kankuro thought looking at Avril leaning forward on the rail.

“Then if your ready then let the match begin.” The exam proctor called. “Oh, I’m ready.” Yoroi answered starting to do some hand signs. “So am I.” Sasuke shot back. And the battle was on.

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